Demografisk Databas Södra Sverige

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The following is a list of research publications (up until 2006) based on The Scanian Demographic Database.

Books and dissertations:
  1. Adler J (2003) Statistical Methods for the Estimation of Career Mobility. Lic. Diss. Statistical Studies No 28. Department of Statistics, Umeå University
  2. Allen R, Bengtsson T & Dribe M (eds.) (2005) Living Standards in the Past: New Perspectives on Well-being in Asia and Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  3. Bengtsson T & Saito O (eds.) (2000, 2003) Population and Economy. From Hunger to Economic Growth. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  4. Bengtsson T, Campbell C & Lee J Z et al (2004) Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press
  5. Dribe M (1997) Rural Youth Migration from a Household Perspective: A Study of Children Leaving Home in Scania, Sweden 1829-1865. Lic. Diss. Department of Economic History, Lund University
  6. Dribe M (2000) Leaving Home in a Peasant Society. Economic Fluctuations, Household Dynamics and Youth Migration in Southern Sweden, 1829-1866. Doc. Diss. Lund Studies in Economic History No13. Södertälje: Almqvist & Wiksell International
  7. Dribe M (2003) Liv och rörelse. Familj och flyttningar i 1800-talets svenska bondesamhälle. Hedemora: Gidlunds
  8. Dribe M & Oris M (2003) The Complexity of Migration in the European Countryside. Special issue of The History of the Family. An International Quarterly Vol. 8, no. 2
  9. Johansson K (2004) Child Mortality during the Demographic Transition. A Longitudinal Analysis of a Rural Population in Southern Sweden, 1766-1894. Doc. Diss. May 8, 2004. Department of Economic History, Lund University
  10. Lindkvist M (2000) Variable Plots and Influence in Cox s Regression Model. Doc. Diss. Statistical Studies No. 25. Department of Statistics, Umeå University
  11. Lundh C & Sundberg K (eds.) Gatehus och gatehusfolk i skånska godsmiljöer.Lund: Nordic Academic Press
  12. Olsson M (2002) Storgodsdrift. Godsekonomi och arbetsorganisation i Skåne från dansk tid till mitten av 1800-talet (Manorial Economy and Corvée Labour in Early Modern Scania). Doc Diss. Lund Studies in Economic History No 20. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International
  13. Olsson M (2005) Skatta dig lycklig. Jordränta och jordbruk i Skåne 1660-1900. (Priceless Taxes. Land rent and agriculture in Scania 1660-1900.) Hedemora: Gidlunds.
Journal articles (published/accepted):
  1. Bengtsson T & Dribe M (2006) Deliberate Control in a Natural fertility Population. Demography (in press).
  2. Bengtsson T & Lindström M (2000) Childhood Misery and Disease in Later Life: The Effects on Mortality in Old-age of Hazards Experienced in Early Life, Southern Sweden, 1760-1894. Population Studies 54.3: 263-277
  3. Bengtsson T & Lindström M (2003) Airborne Infectious Diseases during Infancy and Mortality in Later Life, Southern Sweden, 1766-1894. International Journal of Epidemiology 32.2: 286-294
  4. Bengtsson T & Lundh C (1994) La Mortalité Infantile et Post-Infantile dans les Pays Nordique avant 1900. Annales Demographique Historique, 24-43
  5. Dribe M (2001) Familjer och hushåll i 1800-talets Skåne - exempel från Skånes demografiska databas. ALE 3: 22-31
  6. Dribe M. (2003) Dealing with Economic Stress through Migration: Lessons from Nineteenth Century Rural Sweden. European Review of Economic History 7: 271-299
  7. Dribe M (2003) Migration of Rural Families in 19th Century Southern Sweden. A Longitudinal analysis of Local Migration Patterns. History of the Family 8: 247-265
  8. Dribe M and Lundh C. (2005) Finding the Right Partner. Rural Homogamy in Nineteenth-Century Sweden. International Review of Social History, 50.
  9. Dribe M and Lundh C. (2005) Gender Aspects on Inheritance Strategies and Land Transmission in Rural Scania, Sweden, in 1720-1840. The History of the Family, 10:3.
  10. Dribe M and Lundh C. (2005) People on the Move. Determinants of Servant Migration in Nineteenth Century Sweden. Continuity and Change, 17:1
  11. Dribe M and Lundh C. (2005) Retirement as a Strategy for Land Transmission: A Micro Study of Pre-Industrial Rural Sweden. Continuity and Change, 17:2.
  12. Dribe M & Nystedt P (2003) Information, Trust and Diffusion of Smallpox Vaccination. The case of Scania, Sweden, 1802-1835. Scandinavian Economic History Review 51: 9-28
  13. Lundh C (1995) Households and Families in Preindustrial Sweden. Continuity and Change 10: 33-68
  14. Lundh C (1999) Servant Migration in Sweden in the Early Nineteenth Century. Journal of Family History 24: 53-74
  15. Lundh C (1999) The Social Mobility of Servants in Rural Sweden, 1740-1894. Continuity and Change 14: 57-89
  16. Lundh C & Olsson M (2002) The Institution of Retirement on Scanian Estates in the Nineteenth Century. Continuity and Change 17.3: 373-403
  17. Lundh C (2002) Remarriages in Sweden in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. History of the Family 7.3: 423-449
  18. Nystedt P (2002) Widowhood-related Mortality in Scania during the 19th Century. History of the Family 7: 451-478
  19. Olsson M (Forthcoming) Manorial Economy and Corvée Labour in southern Sweden 1650-1850. Accepted for Economic History Review.
  20. Svensson P (2006) Peasants and Entrepreneurship in the Nineteenth-Century Agricultural Transformation of Sweden. Social Science History, 30:3.
Book chapters:
  1. Alter G, Manfredini M & Nystedt P (2004) Gender Differences in Mortality. In Bengtsson T, Campbell C & Lee J Z et al (2004) Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 327-358
  2. Banggaard G (2005) Veneriske, skørbutiske og andre farlige, især smitsomme sygdomme - de tidlige medicinalberetninger og deres forløber. In Bonderup, G, Mikkelsen J & Skjernov L (eds.) "af yderste Vigtighed for det hele Borgersamfunds Tryghed". København: Kildeskiftssellskabet, 39-100
  3. Bengtsson T (2000) Inequality in Death: Effects of the Agrarian Revolution in Southern Sweden, 1765-1865. In Bengtsson T & Saito O (eds.) Population and Economy. From Hunger to Modern Economic Growth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 301-333
  4. Bengtsson T (2002) Why Dad Dies. The Mortality of Men in their Working Ages in the 18th and 19th Centuries. In Derosas R & Oris M (eds.) When Dad Died. Individuals and Families Coping with Distress in Past Societies. Bern: Peter Lang, 81-98
  5. Bengtsson T (2004) Mortality and Social Class in Four Scanian Parishes, 1765-1865. In Bengtsson T, Campbell C & Lee J Z et al (2004) Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 135-172
  6. Bengtsson T & Campbell C (1998) Micro-Analysis of Short-Term Economic Stress on Mortality. In Núñez C-E (ed.) Debates and Controversies in Economic History. Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces e Fundación Fomento de la Historia Económica, 115-131
  7. Bengtsson T & Dribe M (2000) Risk Management in the Family. Demographic Responses to Short-term Economic Stress in Southern Sweden during the Agricultural Transformation, 1829-1865. In Neven M & Capron C (eds.) Family Structures, Demography and Population. A Comparison of Societies in Asia and Europe. Liège: Laboratory of Demography at the University of Liège, 159-184
  8. Bengtsson T & Dribe M (2005) New Evidence on the Standard of Living in Sweden during the 18th and 19th Centuries: Long-term Development of the Demographic Response to Short-term Economic Stress. In Allen R, Bengtsson T & Dribe M (eds.) Living Standards in the Past. New Perspectives on Well-being in Asia and Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 341-371
  9. Bengtsson T & Dribe M (forthcoming) Agency, Social Class, and Fertility in Southern Sweden 1766-1865. In Alter G, Tsuya N & Wang Feng (eds.) Prudence and Pressure. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press
  10. Bengtsson T & Dribe M (forthcoming) Economic Stress and the Timing of Childbirth in Six Eurasian Communities. In Alter G, Tsuya N & Wang Feng (eds.) Prudence and Pressure. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press
  11. Dribe M (2000) Migration and Economic Stress in Nineteenth Century Scania, Sweden. In Lee J Z., Songyi G & Yizhuang D (eds.) Marriage, Family Formation, and Population Behavior in the Past: An East-West Comparison. Beijing: Peking University Press, 234-269
  12. Dribe M (2002) Household and Family Aspects of Children Leaving Home. Rural Youth Migration in Nineteenth Century Scania, Sweden. In Barjot D & Faron O (eds.) Migrations, Cycle de vie familial et marché du travail. Paris: Cahier des Annales de Démographie Historique, No. 3, 95-122
  13. Dribe M (2003) Leaving Home as a Family Strategy in Times of Economic and Demographic Stress: The Case of Rural Scania, Sweden 1829-1866. In Van Poppel F, Oris M & Lee J Z (eds.) The Road to Independence. Leaving Home in Western and Eastern Societies. Bern: Peter Lang, 85-116
  14. Dribe M & Lundh C (2002) Husmännens och torparnas demografi - skillnader och likheter i fyra skånska församlingar 1815-1865. In Lundh C & Sundberg K (eds.) Gatehus och gatehusfolk i skånska godsmiljöer. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 143-156
  15. Dribe M & Lundh C (2003) Gender Aspects of Inheritance Strategies and Land Transmission in Rural Scania, Sweden 1720-1840. In Ochiai E (ed.) The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilinearity in Global Perspective. Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 53-73
  16. Campbell C, Lee J Z & Bengtsson T (2004) Economic Stress and Mortality. In Bengtsson T, Campbell C & Lee J Z et al (2004) Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 61-84
  17. Lee J Z, Bengtsson T & Campbell C (2004) Family and Community. In Bengtsson T, Campbell C & Lee J et al (2004) Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 85-106
  18. Lee J Z, Campbell C & Wang Feng (2004) Society and Mortality. In Bengtsson T, Campbell C & Lee J Z et al (2004) Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MASS: MIT Press, 107-132
  19. Lee J Z, Campbell C & Bengtsson (2004) Agency and Demography: Eurasian Comparisons of Life under Pressure. In Bengtsson T, Campbell C & Lee J Z et al (2004) Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MASS: MIT Press, 431-440
  20. Lundh C (1999) Marriage and Economic Change in Sweden during the 18th and 19th centuries. In Devos I & Kennedy L (eds.) Marriage and Rural Economy. Western Europe since 1400. Turnhout: Brepols, 217-241
  21. Lundh C (2002) Husmän och torpare under Duveke gods 1766-1894. In Lundh C & Sundberg K (eds.) Gatehus och gatehusfolk i skånska godsmiljöer.Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 109-142
  22. Lundh C & Olsson M (2001) Godsens bönder och ålderdomen. Undantagssystemet under 1800-talet. In Arcadius K & Sundberg K (eds.) Skånska godsmiljöer, 117-133
  23. Lundh C & Olsson M (Forthcoming) The Appearance of Leasing Contracts in Scandinavia: Tenancy Contracts in Scania from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century. Accepted for van Bavel B and P Schofield (eds.) Emergence and Early Development of Lease Holding in the European Countryside During the Middle Ages. Vol. 10, CORN publication series.
  24. Nystedt P & Dribe M (2000) Fertility and Economic Stress in Southern Sweden, 1829-1867. In Lee J Z, Songyi G & Yizhuang D(eds.) Marriage, Family Formation, and Population Behavior in the Past: An East-West Comparison. Beijing: Peking University Press, 145-171
  25. Oris M, Derosas, R & Breschi M (2004) Infant and Child Mortality. In Bengtsson T, Campbell C & Lee J Z et al (2004) Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 359-398
  26. Tsuya N O & Nystedt P (2004) Old-Age Mortality. In Bengtsson T, Campbell C & Lee J et al (2004) Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 399-430
Lund Papers in Economic History:
  1. Banggaard G (2002) Fattigforsorgen på landet 1763-1894: Fem sogne i Skåne. No. 75
  2. Banggaard G (2002) Sygdom og Sundhed: Offentlige indgreb og deres virkninger i Sydsverige, ca. 1750-1894. No. 76
  3. Bengtsson T & Dribe M (2002) Fertility Response to Short-term Economic Stress: Deliberate Control or Reduced Fecundability? No. 78
  4. Bengtsson T & Dribe M (2002) New Evidence on the Standard of Living in Sweden during the 18th and 19th Centuries: Long-term Development of the Demographic Response to Short-term Economic Stress among Landless in Western Scania. No. 82
  5. Bengtsson T & Lundh C (1990) Life Events in a Peasant Society in Transition. Causes of Population Change in Scania, 1660-1860. No. 1
  6. Bengtsson T & Lundh C (1991) Evaluation of a Swedish Computer Program for Automatic Family Reconstitution. No. 8
  7. Bengtsson T & Lundh C (1993) Name-Standardisation and Automatic Family Reconstitution. No. 29
  8. Bengtsson T & Oeppen J (1993) A Reconstruction of the Population of Scania, 1650-1760. No. 33
  9. Dribe M (1995) Migration, Security and Economic Fluctuations. Family Migration from Halmstad 1801-1860. No. 40
  10. Dribe M (2002) Dealing with Economic Stress through Migration: Lessons from Nineteenth Century Rural Sweden. No. 79
  11. Dribe M (2003) Childbearing History and Mortality in Later Life. Comparing Men and Women in Southern Sweden, 1766-1895. No. 86
  12. Dribe M & Lundh C (2002) People on the Move: Determinants of Servant Migration in Nineteenth Century Sweden. No. 80
  13. Dribe M & Nystedt P (2002) Information, Trust and Diffusion of Smallpox Vaccination: The Case of Scania, Sweden 1802-1835. No. 77
  14. Lundh C (1996) Youth Migration in a Life Cycle Perspective. No. 52
  15. Lundh C (1997) The World of Hajnal Revisited. Marriage Patterns in Sweden 1650-1990. No. 60
  16. Lundh C (2003) Life Cycle Servants in Nineteenth Century Sweden - Norms and Practice. No. 84
  17. Lundh C (2003) Swedish Marriages. Customs, Legislation and Demography in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries No. 88
  18. Olsson F & Reuterswärd E (1993) Skånes demografiska databas 1646-1894. En källbeskrivning. No. 32
Working Papers:
  1. Bengtsson T (1997) Adult Mortality in Rural Sweden. EAP Working Papers Series No. 8. International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto
  2. Bengtsson T & Broström G (1997) A comparison of discrete time and continuous time survival analysis with application to data from the EAPP project. EAP Working Papers Series No. 7. International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto
  3. Bengtsson T & Dribe M (2000) Risk Management in the Family. Demographic Responses to Short-term Economic Stress in Southern Sweden during the Agricultural Transformation. Research Report No 16. Danish Center for Demographic Research, SDU-Odense University
  4. Bengtsson T & Dribe M (2000) New Evidence on the Standard of Living in Sweden during the 18th and 19th Centuries: Long-term Development of the Demographic Response to Short-term Economic Stress among Landless in Western Scania. Research Report No. 17. Danish Center for Demographic Research, SDU-Odense University
  5. Bengtsson T & Dribe M (1997) Economy and Demography in Western Scania, Sweden, 1650-1900. EAP Working Paper Series No.10. International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto
  6. Bengtsson T & Lindström M (1997) Old Age Mortality by Cause of Death in Rural Scania, 1760-1894. EAP Working Papers Series No. 9. International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto
  7. Lindqvist M & Broström G (1997) An application of sensitivity analysis and tests of model assumptions in survival analysis to historical Scanian mortality data. EAP Working Papers Series No. 6. International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto
  8. Lundh C & Bengtsson T (1989) Familjerekonstruktioner på svenskt kyrkoboksmaterial. Problem och möjligheter. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet No. 59
  9. Lundh C, Ochiai E & Ono Y (1996) Institutional Arrangements and Demographic Behaviour in Japan and Sweden 1650-1900. A Life-Event Approach to Household Composition and Family Lines in Comparative Perspective. EAP Working Papers Series No. 8. International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto
  10. Nystedt P (1997) Widowhood-related Mortality in Scanian, Sweden, during the 19th Century. EAP Working Papers Series No. 2. International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto